Friday, December 16, 2005

She don't wear much makeup but she makes up her mind...

It's funny how meeting someone new can make you see how you really felt about other people you know. I went shopping with a boy yesterday, and I had a good time. He's attractive and he makes me laugh. Yet another person from the internets, he completely reminded me why I am hesitant about sleeping with the persistent individual I mentioned in the previous post- because there are better people out there.

I'm not sure how it will go with the new one. I think we got on well, but sometimes it's really hard to tell, isn't it? You think it goes fine and they never want to see you again. Strange, that. He's very good-looking though- he works out a lot, he's very strong. It'd be nice to be with a man who can really throw me around however he pleases.

I'd love to feel helpless in the arms of a strong dirty man.




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