Monday, October 02, 2006

Late night plague ridden musings...

No, I don't really have the plague, just the cold from hell- I just took some cough syrup and it has done approximately nothing. AWESOME.

Anyway, I've been thinking about getting back into blogging again. (Yes, I know, I always say that.) Considering the direction I want this blog to go...sexblogging is fun, but with the brain chemicals being out of whack, my sexdrive can be quite slack at times. It's also tricky because I enjoy the sense of community I have from reading blogs of non-sex-bloggers like Steph and commenting back and forth, but I feel like maybe it's somehow inappropriate to blog too graphically about sex or post pictures when I'm linking to blogs like that.

A blog identity crisis, how odd.

I know I could just sex blog separately, but I still like to talk about my life a bit in my sex blog, and it seems unlikely that I will happily re-type stuff for two blogs. Can't copy + paste, I am vaguely paranoid that that would make outing sex blogger me more likely. Not that anyone would really want to out me, as bizarre as it is, nobody I know would be too shocked by reading this blog. Even by my angst ridden musings about the boy- I know the meaning of being painfully honest.

I don't want to blog just sex- there is more to my identity than that, and at times when my sex life is a bit thin on the ground (thanks, libido, thanks a lot) my blog wouldn't be all that interesting, now would it? Maybe I could put the raunchy posts behind a cut or something, would that help?

Well, I'm about to have another go at sleeping (I came out here rather than keeping the boy awake with my coughing) so ciao all.


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