Monday, November 06, 2006

Dear readers...

It's been a whole two days since anybody commented. Was it the post about my nipples? Is anybody out there?

(I was going to do a meme to pass the time, but I got sidetracked by listening to 'Something's Under My Bed' by the Horrorpops for the hundredth time today.)



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ya comments thingy was stuffed yesterday

8:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And my comment yesterday was that your mouth "problem" (soundes like an internal zit) was karma for giving csp blueballs and a red raw schlonga - 40 mins for a hand job!


8:47 am  
Blogger i said...

yea.. i'll blame the comments stuff yesterday.. but really.. im just slack ... and stress... i do read!! im just lurking alot these days :P

11:59 am  
Blogger Girl said...

Yay, comments were broken. Well, not yay, but at least I don't have to feel un-loved now.

Rob, I think it was just a blister, given that it's totally gone now. And I didn't give him blue balls, he got to come, all over me, twice! As for the hand job... now I am paranoid. It's never taken that long with a boy before, but I got the impression that he just wasn't rushing himself. I don't know. Eeek, paranoia!

iain, it's okay, you're allowed to be slack, with exams and all...


1:30 pm  

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