Friday, October 20, 2006

Exchanging goods...

Well that wasn't so bad... it helped that he has gone and gotten a stupid hair cut & colour. I loved the emo hair he had before, one of my favourite things, so it was easier that it was gone. (That is really lame, isn't it? That his emo fringe was one of my favourite things.)

But yeah, it was okay. I had much more stuff at his place than I thought, including my playstation and half of my books. I was on (or over) the verge of tears the whole time, but he knows me so I don't imagine he was surprised. We chatted a bit, mostly about my uni work and him getting carried home from a party on the weekend. (When sad, I procrastinate, he drinks!)

It was okay. We hugged when he came in, and had a long sad kinda hug when he left, it was good.

I didn't feel one way or the other about my decision though, oh well. Still sad now, I cease rambling here.



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