Tuesday, February 21, 2006

An Open Letter to the Boys I Have Dated/Will Date,

To Whom It May Concern,

Three things that will not make me change my mind about rejecting/dumping you:

1) Acting like an obnoxious ass afterwards, just because you can. This only serves to convince me that I did, in fact, make the right decision in the first place.

2) Crying/telling me in lurid detail how miserable you are. I am not a heartless bitch, I didn't decide to reject you out of hand. That said, I am not your mother either, so throwing a tantrum isn't going to make me change my mind.

3) Begging. This should be self-explanatory, especially coming from me.

4) Parading your latest conquests to me, in the form of copy + pasting conversations, sending me photos, talking un-subtly about your 'hot date/dates'. I am not a child. This will not make me suddenly overwhelmingly jealous/envious and want you back. Great, you've moved on, have a gold star!

5) Actually, anything. I don't change my mind. The decision was hard enough in the first place without me going and bloody changing it. SO STOP TRYING!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. beware of boredom, weakness, and/or nostalgia, g..

Just saying..

Although the behaviour you've detailed in the post is likely to negate any and all of those dangers anyway.

charon xox

1:03 am  
Blogger Girl said...

LOL Oh, no, don't be confused- it wasn't Phd that did this, it was the boy I was dating. (Heehee, really tempted to just comment 'Oh, it wasn't the boy I was fucking, it was the boy I was dating.)

He was just acting like a real tool on MSN. Phd is always the epitome of good manners in any post-whatever situation.


1:29 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah.. confusion gone, g.. :o)

Probably best to ignore/block[?] such attention-seeking behaviour.

charon xox

1:45 am  
Blogger Girl said...

Alas, I am sometimes too tolerant...I just hope they revert back to being normal people eventually.

In other news, it seems I no longer sleep. :p


1:47 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will, g, eventually..

Just as well there's this thing called the interwebby, then ;p

charon xox

1:54 am  
Blogger i said...

They go back to normal.. i've been there once when i was a wee laddie.. learnt my lesson!! never again!! :)

this no longer sleeping.. is this a good thing? or a bad thing? because if you were up all night because of a certain boy in your bed.. well! congrats!! :P

.. but if your turning into an insomniac.. that might not be so grand! :P


10:03 am  
Blogger Girl said...

I think the interweb is what caused it!

And alas, not not-sleeping because of a boy in my bed, though the offer's there from Phd. But he won't go to any trouble for it.

In the meantime I might go in to Market Day and ogle.

Excuse me.


11:55 am  
Blogger Andrew Webster said...

Well, you can always go back to a boy for a afternoon or so, should nostalgia overwhem you, and remind yourself why you broke up!

1:16 am  
Blogger Girl said...

LOL Onlywhenilarf, not going back to boys I've dated generally...they'd turn it into a big production afterwards, and I hate hurting people's feelings. The good thing about Phd's general neglect is that it's predictable, and (if frustrating) easy in it's own way, for poor little don't-rock-the-boat me.


1:21 am  

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