It's not just my body, it's where I keep my heart, that's mostly it's difference from any other part...

It's very late here. Well, not very late, only 1.30, but that's quite late, and it always seems so much later when you can't sleep, don't you think?
Your girl's a little troubled- she quit one of her jobs not long ago, and hours haven't compensated at the other so finances are a little tight, which is never good in the leadup to the Uni semester. Of course, it's not a crisis- living at home means a roof over my head no matter what.
I'm just a little critter very good at stressing myself out, and that's what I'm doing right now. My brain doesn't want to sleep, it wants to worry. Doesn't help having copious amounts of sugar before bed, and also playing squash. Endorphins and sugar, should make me perky, but I'm starting to come down off the endorphins so I'm awake and worried instead. Thanks brain.
Been trying to combat the worry with yet another nerdy night in- in bed accompanied by a glass of milk, my National Geographic and Terry Pratchett. It worked for a while, until I got to the bit where I had to lie down and actually sleep. I wanted an early night tonight, to start normalizing my sleep cycle for uni, but no such luck. Better to be awake doing something than lying there not-sleeping.
Anyway, I ramble.
Ramble away, g.. and an interesting - that's good btw - photo too!
And no, the sugar won't help the insomnia.. believe me..
So you quit your job and you're feeling short on cash. That's whats happened, but there is nothing there to stress you out. What's going on in your head? We (us human beans!) get stressed out because we make things mean something. What have you made this all mean? (Something like "I'm in trouble" or "I won't manage", I dunno, it's your head! You tell me.)
Thanks charon!
And no, it ultimately took me a long time to get to sleep, and I slept poorly.
Yeah, onlywhenilarf, unfortunately my head is quite good at stressing me out. I have a bit of an anxiety problem sometimes, though usually only in situations which involve the hairier sex, which makes the fact that I'm getting it about money even scarier. I've worked hard to get the anxiety thing under control, and it is, even with the money thing it's just a little niggle, but it bothers me.
I just feel like I won't get the camera paid off in time, or be able to pay my uni fees or afford textbooks etc, not to mention that my quality of life will drop significantly- I have been spoiling myself over the holidays, going out to dinner a lot, shopping, going to concerts etc and I won't be able to do that as much during semester, because I've decided to work less and focus on my grades. *le sigh* Life is such a trial, non? (Joking, seriously, I know it's not so bad.)
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