And back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Yes, I know, it's my pretty little ass again, and still a bit blurry, but it was a spur of the moment photoshoot on my way to bed, it was dark, and flash into a mirror just doesn't work, babes!
I'm sure you'll enjoy it anyway- lovely wavy hair of mine in there as well, that's got to be good, right?
In other news- Phd has propositioned me twice in the last little while, and I've turned him down. Maybe I really am over casual sex. *le sigh*
I think you just acquired a new 'regular'! LOL!
Very, very lovely curves. *sighs*
Yay, two regulars!
(No sarcasm, although it seems that way...)
mmmm.. g in a g.. delicious :)
and a pic of your pretty, and perfectly spankable, little ass will always be good, g.. no wonder Phd has propositioned you again.. Remember. Your instinct. Follow it.
Back to the photo.. mmmm.. loving your hair.. wavy, long and perfect for running my fingers through.. tightening my grip.. mmmm.. where was I?.. oh yes, the pic.. do you have photoshop? or similar? you could try altering the light/contrast/colour combinations.. and it may be an idea, given other considerations, to try tighter shots, concentrating on smaller areas rather than a full length shot.. you could probably experiment more with those.
Still think that's a beautiful image though.
*smack* ;)
Hmm...sarcasm eh? That won't do at ALL young miss!
Bend over!
*ties wrists to ankles and reaches for crop*
(To be continued...)
Hmm, I have altered the pic a fair bit already, since it was taken at night in fairly bad light.
I thought about tighter shots, at the moment I am really liking the line of my body though- I have a few pics from the same night from the front, and I just adore the line of my throat and breasts and belly, right down to my thighs... and I'm less fond of closeups! *grins*
*idly wonders if her wrists can reach to her ankles*
So when are we going to see the aforementioned pix to admire your admirable curves?
I hate to see your wonderment stand idle!
*actively considers demonstration of wrist/ankle possibilities - makes a whole other range of curves available!*
Loving the line of your body too, g..
Mmmm.. the line of your throat and breasts and belly, right down to your thighs.. MMMmmm..
Remember, you have my virtual address ;o)
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